Go to and log in with your new username and password.Click the link in the e-mail to complete your registration. You will receive a confirmation e-mail.Only emails with valid domains have access to our site license.For e-mail address, use your valid or email address. If you do not already have an account, fill in the form to sign up for one.Use the same e-mail address and it should migrate everything properly. There was an update to PE's website as of August 2021, so you may need to sign up as a "new user" even if you already have/had an account.If you already have an account, click on the link next to "Existing User" and log in.Select Purdue University West Lafayette (or one of the other Purdue University campuses).Here are the steps for downloading and installing the latest software: This means anyone at Purdue, whether faculty, staff, or student, can legally download their own personal copy of ChemOffice Professional and install it on their machine, at work and at home.

The Purdue Libraries provide a campus-wide license for ChemOffice Professional (which includes ChemDraw).